Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Right, my first blog post.

We got ye olde interweb access in the recesses of Clare recently. Yeah! It only took 3 bloody years, but thanks to eircom for getting the lead out finally.

Four things that have annoyed me over the last 7 days.

Number 1-Confrontational people

You know the type. You say something and they criticise it. It doesn't matter if you say the grass is green, or the interweb has more to it than porn and blogs (yes, I have figured that out by the way), they will attack you. They are insecure clowns with no life and enjoy arguing. End of story.

Number 2-Joe Duffy

Easy one. Clown. Whingy, moany, cantankerous, shrivelled and hand-wringing. Kinda like a taxi driver.

Number 3-Computers

Bastarding things. Break down when you want to use it.

Number 4-Tail-gaiters

Wow. You are such a good driver. You can drive so close to me that you can touch the back of my car, and then you overtake me and a truck uphill on a left-handed bend. Yes Mr./Mrs. Ford Focus Estate, I mean you.

First one down. Should make the next one easier.