Consider the following equation:
x = Clueless parent
y = Annoying child
x + y = *Head-desk* *Head-desk* *Head-desk* *Head-desk* *Head-desk*
Fucking annoying kids with their clueless parents letting their little spawns of hell fuck about in shops, in towns and cities across the country. Particularly Limerick, where I currently have the unfortunate accolade of being the only fucker that doesn't wear pjyamas and fake Uggs from Pennies when I visit the city centre.
The funny thing is that Limerick's "single mothers" (the ones that spend the children's allowance down the pub or on heroin and live in houses that I can't afford to fucking rent) produce a generation that seem to inherit the habits of the parental generation and expand, like Darwin in reverse. Have you actually seen some of the inbreds that populate Limerick city centre at midday on a weekday? (sure why would they go to school when there's stuff to be robbed and dole to be claimed?) - I feel sorry for them, they are so inbred that they make this dog look like a fucking supermodel;

Had to be said...
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